Monday 4 May 2020

Room 5 explored WW1 and what it would have been like to serve as a soldier in the ANZAC troops.

We have been focusing on the use of adjectives to make our writing more interesting and impactful.
Please checkout some of the letters we wrote home to our loved ones  + other information about ANZAC day in the slide show below:


We also read a fantastic story about the mascots kept by soldiers during WW1. Cheldyn made an awesome slideshow featuring some of these well loved pets:



  1. Room 5 you have got some awesome detail in these letters, it really shows how much you know about life in the trenches. I love how you have also put postage stamps on your letters - so accurate! Life in the trenches sounds awful doesn't it, the rats, disease, wet/muddy conditions, constant drumming of gunfire. We are lucky we are safe in NZ! Thanks for sharing your amazing work Room 5.

  2. Thank you for teaching me about mascots. It must have been really sad when they died in the war or they had to be left behind. Mascots would have helped lift their spirits in the trenches. How horrible it must have been!

  3. Wow Room 5!
    Amazing and informative information about the mascots the soldiers had. They were also heroes as well.

  4. Great work Room 5... Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served".

  5. well done Cheldon you have alot of dogs in your one, you eplaind about the mascouts very well keep it up

  6. Great work Room 5.
    You have learnt a lot about what ANZAC day is.
    Your work is so Amazing.

  7. Awesome work guys I have learnt so much about what the trenches where like for the soldiers it sounds terrible. Thank you for all of your detailed descriptions as this gets my imagination going and makes me realise how much these men and woman did for us. Keep it up guys.
